
Join Hand-Hell Club

Do your hands hurt?
Bad finger of lupus and raynaud sufferer
Email Us Your Story to Join the free HH Club

While I wouldn't wish these wretched, painful hands on an enemy, I treasure the opportunity to connect with others suffering from similar afflictions from around the world. Something from my past might cure your current dermatological nightmare!

Perhaps there is a concoction specific to your rural village in SE Asia? An ancestral concoction from your ancestors that will cure my painful, crusty fingertips and let me change toilet paper rolls, use scissors, sew and press buttons without pain? 

Please reach out share anything you would like to share about your hand problems and current situation. If you have a photo/illustration to share with the hand-hell community, please send it and I will give you your free honorary honorarium (a special 'hand-hell' blog nickname).

Join the free Hand-Hell club by emailing us your story (include photo or illustration) and perhaps together our hands can enjoy a future with epidermises for all.

The latest from the badfinger clubhouse:

We welcome Sara M. to our Hand-Hell club! 
"My hands hurt so terribly from the reynaud's. My DX are SLE, Sjogren's Syndrome, RA, Celiac disease, and all the fun lil secondary crap that goes along. My hands are the worst insult right now. Swollen tight fissured fingertips that burn and throb. I hate it. 
This just sucks. No other way to put it that I can think of."

Editors note: I'm sorry to hear about your painful fingers and hope you find some relief soon!

My friend went through the same issue bergers disease. He oh s having amputations because of it. They did vascular surgery with a cable rod and amazing it has reversed and great blood flow now. Just wanted to share that.  --- CM, 2/13/19

(C) 2021 Hand-Hell Blog

Please note that I am not a medical doctor and this site is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult a medical professional before starting or discontinuing medical treatment. 

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