
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lupus, Vasculitis and Living: I survive

Bad thumb

It's been almost two full years since the last time my hands had their fingertips. Prior to 2018, I could look forward to a summertime remission of symptoms. But, since October of 2018, I have lived every single day with raw, sensitive, pads of pain on my hands. I was once upset/worried about the bit of osteo arthritis that began to plague me in my early thirties. 

Adios, fingertips!
My Fingertips Now

Arthritis, particularly the standard osteo-arthritis that settles into the joints of most humans sometime between the fourth and sixth decade of life, is a badge of a life well lived. Rheumatoid arthritis is more of a bummer, with erosive qualities that are both painful and disfiguring. Fortunately, most of my arthritis issues are of an inflammatory nature and are non-erosive. I can work through the pain of arthritis - no problem. It's a nice little reminder that I am still alive. 

Once all the layers if the epidermis are gone, the smooth area under where the fingertips would be is thin and almost transparent. A simple magnifying glass provides a window into the mysterious world of human anatomy... little burst blood vessels and little white packets of something (?)

Life goes on, with or without fingertips.

(C) 2020 Hand-Hell Blog.

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